disable_user=Disable User
enable_user=Enable User
edit_profile  = Edit Your Profile
update_avatar=Update your avatar?
password_edit =Password (leave blank to keep the original password)
update_profile=Update Profile
my_uploads=My Uploads
my_likes=My Likes
your_uploads=Your Uploads
your_likes=Your Likes
flagged_this_user=You have flagged this user.
flag_user=Flag This User?
my_profile=My Profile
no_likes_yet=No likes yet...
no_uploads_yet=No uploads yet...
signup_error=Error: Please make sure to enter a valid email your passwords match and your username is more than 3 characters
signup_success=Your Account has been Successfully Created! Please Sign in Below.
signup_invalidpass=invalid password please try again.
username_no_spaces=Please make sure that your username does not contain any spaces.
signup_reg_closed=Sorry Registration has been closed.
username_in_use=Sorry this username is already in use. Please try another name.
signin_success=You have been successfully logged in.
signin_error=Incorrect login or password.